A five-year old bamboo is the requirement to make quality dizi for professional use. Its tone is crisp and solid, as requested by professional performers. The density of material this grade and above tends to be high, else, the bamboo itself will not be able to survive the drying process. ie. The less dense bamboos will start splitting if they are dried out without the restraining bands tied onto it at intervals.
This grade of dizi is usually for beginners preparing for an upgrade of instruments, or professional musicians who would like to have a set of spare dizis and would like to spend less money on them.
A point to note though, is that this grade of dizi is reasonably priced, but they might even have an improvement in tone over time as it dries out more. at TBG, we grade dizi materials empirically by the amount of time it was air dried, and the density of the material. The is no telling the potential of this grade.
The copper jointing, is preferred by some musicians as it allows for easy tuning to match the tuning of an ensemble. For musicians who prefer an un-jointed version, please see Dizi for Professional Performers – Single Stem without Jointing
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